Ryan Feagan
This past weekend was R&R's first Women's Only Ride Right MTB School. We had all levels from never ever to seasoned racers. They all had their reasons for signing up.
There was one student who had a kid who rides but mom has only tagged along to keep her kid safe. Well now mom can do some of the same things her kid does and together they can progress and share the sport. That's awesome! Another student has let her speed be her guide. Once she allowed herself the time to slow down to learn the nuances of the skill, when she sped back up, it was like seeing art on a bike. Yet another was suffering from being married to a dare devil and felt by learning techniques she could ride better with her significant other. After the clinic when he arrived to pick her up and saw the elevated box we had the students ride off, he was like "She rode off that? Awesome!" And there was everything in between from riders trying to find their mojo after sever crashes or just getting back into it after life got in the way. Whatever it was, they were all brave and courageous students who took on each skill session with laughter, focus and a shared camaraderie that regardless of why they were there, each of them was missing something and hoped by taking the class they could tap into it.
It's amazing and fun to watch the skills that bubble up to the top when they're given the time and attention. I will never tire from seeing confidence replace frustration. Smiles for miles!
I really really enjoyed this class. I hope to do more women's only. I forget sometimes how scary it was just to go over a simple log many years ago because I didn't have the information to do it and how many times I crashed trying. I hope that through teaching women to ride better, they can go on to inspire others and show that it's never too late to be a badass.
Congrats to the June 2018 grads of the first-ever Women's Ride Right School!